lundi 21 juillet 2014

Pétition inutile

Certains fans font des pétitions dans le but de faire venir des groupes dans leur ville, comme par exemple Cécile LaRoch, fan des Foo Fighters qui tente de faire venir le groupe à Toulouse, tandis que d'autres en font pour des raisons totalement inutiles...
Une pétition sur internet a été lancé dans le but de mettre un terme au groupe Ghost car, selon l'auteur de cette lettre Mr. Armdacht, Ghost n'est pas un groupe de métal comme Black Sabbath, Judas Priest ou Iron Maiden.
Voici la dite pétition inutile :
"We petition against Ghost of the heavy metal genre that continues to make albums and tour. Many people getting into metal think that they are the real deal and that we should forget the real bands like Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, etc. They wish to destroy real metal with their carnival music nonsense. Seriously, is a song like If You Have Ghost actually something that a real metalhead would listen to? They are not metal. People also make the erroneous claim that they are so directly inspired by King Diamond/Mercyful Fate, which is just wrong. They are, in fact, a watered-down version of BOC. We the people oppose Ghost continuing as a band, and they should be split up as soon as possible.
Ghost (band)
We have petitioned to get the band Ghost to split up. We do not believe that Ghost should continue to make music. Ghost has done so much damage to real metal, so we petition that the band Ghost and their management be split up.
[Your name]

118 personnes ont déjà signé cette lettre.

(Pas de lien vers cette lettre car tout groupe quel qu’il soit, ou le genre de leur musique, ne justifie en aucuns cas ce genre d'idiotie.)

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