mardi 10 septembre 2013


Le leader de Machine Head, Robb Flynn, descend, avec humour, la sortie du dernier album de Avenged Sevenfold, 'Hail To The King'.
Voici ce qu'il écrit :

"Bravo pour le dernier 'album de reprises' de Avenged Sevenfold  n°1 des ventes. Qui aurait pu penser qu'un ré-enregistrement des chansons de Metallica, Guns N Roses et Megadeth aurait un tel succès mondial !!?? Ba-dap Psssssss !! [...]

"Voici mon top 10 de blagues sur le nouvel album de Avenged Sevenfold : 
10) Avenged Sevenfold – "Now with even MORE Metallica"
9) Avenged Sevenfold to change name to "Sad But Two"
 Number of "spurting penises" drawn on Avenged logos suddenly skyrockets
7) Eyeliner sales skyrocket as thousands of heartbroken goth girls realize 'Hail To The King' is actually "that ugly AC/DC bands song 'Thunderstruck'"
6) After hearing 'Heretic', Dave Mustaine flips out, blames Obama, Metallica and UFO’s for the A7X stealing 'Symphony Of Destruction'.
5) After seeing how much success the band Bush had stealing other band names for song titles, A7X decided to steal “In Flames” for latest chorus. Future chorus lyrics include “Tr-vi-um” and “Kill-switch En-gage”
4) Upon hearing latest album, Lars Ulrich goes all gangsta, breaks bottle of Dom Perignon on M. Shadows head, while his 11ft girlfriend put Shadows in headlock, as he screams in Shadows face, “You’re gonna rip off St. Anger next right, HUH? You’re gonna rip off St Anger NEXT RIGHT? HUH, HUH, HUH!!”
3) “Black album” sales skyrocket as fans realise where new songs came from.
2) After hearing Avenged’s Guns N Roses cover “Doing Time”, Axl actually calls Slash, says, “Dude, What The Fuck?!”
1) And the #1 joke about the new Avenged Sevenfold album: Avenged Sevenfold release statement that they’re NOT ripping off Metallica, announce side project with Lou Reed.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Robb a trop raison !
Heretic notamment c'est complètement "symphony of destruction" !